Saturday, January 24, 2009

Debate: Guantanamo Bay

We just "finished" our debate article on Guantanamo Bay and put it up on Debatepedia's Debate Digest. Check it out:

What compels me toward favoring closing Guantanamo, as Obama ordered on January 22nd, is that it refreshes America's image as a leader of the rule of law and its moral authority, which is important in its own right, but which also has meaning in rallying its allies around battling terrorism (because we are all taking the high ground and can justify our actions to our publics as such) and in diminishing the rallying case of terrorists (ie. that the US and the West are Big Bad bullies).

My opinion about the practicality of closing Guantanamo and the intel that might be lost is that these issues are not as significant as people make them out to be. Moving terrorists to the US for trial or returning them home will not be as difficult as people say (US courts and prisons can handle the influx of detainees). And, I don't see the national security gains as all that high from the info obtained there or from the preventiveness of detaining the individuals there. There are many reasons for this, but see them in our pro/con article. Enjoy.

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